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I have the iron microbe since I was 12. At 14 I started asking my parents to train with weights. I did already different sports as a child, swimming, running, soccer, karate…. I did so much different sports that my parents where sick, buying al the equipment. At 17 years I started working in the bakery from my uncle, at that moment I earn to money to buy my first motorcycle and fitness subscription. Now they could not stop me anymore

I started training in a gym of a masseur, for that time the equipment he had was very good: Weider and Techno gym. Very fast the little gym was too small for me. The first year I gained 10 kg of mass, without any special nutrition because a masseur knows nothing about food, but the perfect training techniques he learned me very well.
But... I wanted more. I start looking for a real Hardcore-gym; the gym that I found was Body Art in Boom. The trainer Michel Heirman taught me a lot, thing that is still use now for my food and training. In that gym I also did my first contest, with nice results.
But still I was defeated every time by a very big junior boy, of course this was the one and only Siggi Segers

Because of professional en social reasons I stopped training for several years. The combination with my job at that time was not possible. I was in the army and stationated in Germany and it was impossible to do contests. That was a real torture for a bodybuilder in hart en soul and gave up my carrier. That I did several times for my sport.
You have to do something for it….
In 1998 I was back in Belgium a started searching again for a good Gym. I also moved and because of that I was looking for a gym in the neighborhood. In the magazine Sport & Fitness I found a contest report of the Iron man contest in Holland, with photo, and who was the winner? Yes Siggi Segers. At that time he had his own gym in Turnhout, my search for a gym stopped there
From that moment I started with training and contests again. Siggi was my trainer now. There was also Ruud Meyers from Holland; a man ho did al lot for the bodybuilding sport.
A training session with Ruud as coach let really exploit your muscles, no mercy!!
When he made or diets it was really magic. Sometimes he made a diet with only bread the last days before the contest, and piece by piece we won our contests.

So that is my live as a Bodybuilder so far. I hope to add a lot of training sessions and contests.
If you like to contact me, you can send me an e-mail:

Keep on pumping!!!! KURT